Welcome to my new website, GoldenNinja3000.com! This website will be a new extension of my YouTube channel, featuring written articles to complement the content I make videos on. You’ll find LEGO news and set reveals here (in addition to the videos I make on them), but not written reviews - I’ll stick to videos only for those. I’m also branching out into Marvel/DC news, including coverage of the upcoming MCU and DCEU films in addition to their Disney+ and HBO Max original series. These articles will only be found on this website, while my YouTube channel remains strictly for LEGO content. You’ll find a number of articles already available to read with news from the last few weeks!
As you can see, my blog is found on the home page of the site. There are multiple categories to search within, and each article has additional tags that you can click on. For example, WandaVision doesn’t have its own category, but articles about it can be found in the “Marvel Cinematic Universe” category and will be tagged “WandaVision”. The “Marvel” and “DC” categories are for projects that aren’t part of the MCU or DCEU, such as Venom: Let There Be Carnage and the Arrowverse TV shows. The “Updates” category will contain updates for my YouTube channel, LEGO World Builder project, and more.
The “LEGO World Builder” page contains information about the Ninjago project I’m developing with The LEGO Group and Tongal, and it will be featured there once it’s been completed.
The “YouTube” page features an automatically updating feed of my latest videos, which you can play right here without having to go to the YouTube website. The “Instagram” page has something similar with my Instagram feed.
The "About" page talks a bit about my channel as an introduction to people who aren't coming to this website from YouTube. It has a picture of the first sigfig I've made of myself, which you can also see in the image on this post. I'm actually working on a project for my college class about that, so there'll be a separate page about my sigfig in a month or two.
I hope you all enjoy this new project of mine! I'm super excited to finally have my own website, and I'm looking forward to diving headfirst into writing about all the LEGO and superhero news I've been closely reading for years. Thank you for your continued support!
Don't forget to subscribe to my YouTube channel and follow me on Instagram and Twitter! You can check out all of those plus my Patreon page by clicking on the icons at the bottom of every page.